Playing Football (Soccer) Halal or Haram? (Find Truth)

Playing professionally or playing football for fun is halal in Islam because it promotes physical health, teamwork, and social interaction. Islam encourages sports like football since they help maintain a healthy body and mind.

As long as you play the game in moderation and make sure it doesn’t interfere with your religious duties or involve harmful actions, football remains a permissible and enjoyable activity for Muslims.[/su_note]

Important Islamic Guidelines to Follow When Playing Soccer

Important Islamic Guidelines to Follow When Playing Soccer

In Islam, playing sports like soccer is encouraged because it helps you stay healthy and build good character. But, it’s important to play with the right attitude. Make sure that your actions follow Islamic teachings, and playing soccer shouldn’t stop you from completing your religious duties.

Here are some Guidelines you have to follow while playing football:

  • Play soccer to stay healthy and build friendships, as good intentions are important in Islam. Enjoy yourself, not for material or worldly rewards.
  • Dress modestly and follow Islamic rules, even when playing sports.
  • Make sure your soccer games don’t make you miss or delay your prayers. It’s important to balance worship and fun.
  • Avoid bad language, being too aggressive, or hurting others, on or off the field.
  • Be kind and humble in case you win or lose respect for teammates and opponents, creating a positive atmosphere for everyone.
  • Don’t bet on soccer games, if you are playing or watching, as gambling is strictly haram in Islam. It leads to unfair gains and takes away from the true fun of the sport.
  • Take care of your body, as it is a trust from Allah. Avoid pushing yourself too hard or getting injured.
  • Stay calm and control your emotions, even when the game gets intense. Islam motivates keeping a cool head in all situations.
  • Music during practice or games should be avoided, as it is not in line with Islamic practices.
You can also read these articles below:

Proper Sportswear Guidance By Islamic Scholar Dr Zakir Naik

According to Dr. Zakir Naik, the minimum requirement for modesty in sports clothing is that shorts should cover from the navel to the knee. Some scholars have different views on if the knee is part of the aura (the area that should be covered).

To ensure better coverage and avoid any risk of exposure, Dr. Naik recommends wearing shorts that extend below the knee and ideally cover the navel as well. This helps maintain modesty during active sports.

Below is the video of him so you can take guidance by watching his video:

Islamic Views on Women Playing Football And Islamic Scholar Opinion

In Islam, women can participate in sports like football, provided they follow specific guidelines. These guidelines will help your involvement in sports that align with Islamic values and maintain modesty, respect, and balance with their religious duties.

These are some views on women playing football:

  • Maintain Modesty: Women should wear sportswear that is modest and covers their bodies appropriately, in line with Islamic principles.
  • Avoid Mixed-Gender Settings: Sports should be conducted away from the sight of men to ensure privacy and modesty.
  • No Gambling or Betting: Engaging in sports should be free from any form of gambling or betting, which is prohibited in Islam.
  • Promote Harmony: Participation in sports should not lead to arguments or conflicts, maintaining a respectful and peaceful environment.

Islamic Scholar Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem’s Opinion

He says that women can play sports as long as they follow a few rules. Sports should be completely separated from men, women should wear modest clothing, and the activities should not cause harm or include things like music that might be against Islamic rules. If these conditions are met, women are allowed to play sports.

You can see his video below:

FAQs Related to Playing Football

Is betting on football considered haram?

Yes, betting on football is considered haram in Islam, as gambling in any form is forbidden. It leads to unjust earnings and promotes unhealthy practices.

Is playing FIFA video game haram?

No, playing the FIFA video game is not inherently haram. However, it becomes haram if it causes you to neglect your prayers or other important religious obligations.

Is watching a football match haram?

No, watching football is not haram, as long as it does not interfere with religious obligations or promote un-Islamic behavior like neglecting prayer.

Is playing fantasy football haram?

Yes, playing fantasy football is considered haram if it involves gambling or betting, as these are prohibited in Islam and lead to unethical gains.

Is football haram in America (USA)?

No, football is not haram in the USA or any other country. However, Muslims should ensure they follow Islamic principles while playing or watching.

In The End

Dear brother and sisters playing Soccer (football) is halal as long as it is done within the boundaries set by Islamic principles. We must always be sure that our actions, including playing sports, do not conflict with our religious duties. Keeping modesty, avoiding gambling, and maintaining respect for others should always be prioritized. It’s essential to check that our activities align with our faith.

May Allah guide all of us to make the right choices in every part of our lives.