Haram Relationship Meaning in Islam? Full Explained

In Islam, a haram relationship means any close or intimate relationship that is not allowed by Islamic law. This includes relationships where two people are physically intimate before Nikkah or are intimate with someone they are not married to.

It also includes relationships between blood relatives or two people of the same gender. Islamic teachings say it is important to remain pure and modest and do not permit any physical intimacy or sexual relations outside of a proper marriage between a man and a woman.

Reasons Nikkah is Better Than Haram Relationship

In Islam, marriage (nikkah) is highly valued as a sacred bond between a man and a woman, encouraging love, trust, and respect.

Here are the reasons should quit a haram relationship and choose a halal relationship:

  1. Nikkah in Islam is a blessed promise between two people, recognized by society.
  2. Nikkah creates a stable home for children, fostering love and guidance.
  3. Couples promise trust and loyalty during Nikkah, strengthening their bond.
  4. Nikkah eliminates stress from secret relationships, promoting openness and happiness.
  5. Marriage brings blessings and rewards from Allah, while haram relationships incur sin.
  6. Nikkah strengthens family bonds and community support through life’s challenges.

Choosing to get married instead of being in forbidden relationships not only follows the teachings of Islam but also brings real happiness, peace, and fulfillment.

What Hadith Say About Forbidden Relationships in Quran?

The Quran and the Hadith, the recorded sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), strongly condemn and forbid any kind of intimate or sexual relationship outside of marriage.

One famous Hadith that addresses this issue is:

إِذَا خَلَا الرَّجُلُ بِالْمَرْأَةِ كَانَ ثَالِثَهُمَا الشَّيْطَانُ

Meaning: “When a man is alone with a woman, the third one present is Shaitan (Satan).”

Haram Relationship Meaning According To Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

This saying from the teachings of Islam warns us about the risks of being alone with someone of the opposite gender whom we could marry. It tells us that being alone with them might lead to doing wrong things or feeling tempted.

More article to read:

Islamic Scholars Advised About Prohibited Relation

Islamic scholars like Mohamed Hoblos and Mufti Menk warn against forbidden relationships. They say it’s emotionally hard and hurts our connection with Allah. They stress the importance of staying faithful and finding peace in following Allah’s teachings, despite temptations.

Mohamed Hoblos
He talks about how it feels when people get involved in relationships they shouldn’t, like texting someone they’re not allowed to. He says it can be very emotional, with nights spent worrying and waiting for a response.

But he also says that instead of focusing on these forbidden relationships, people should remember Allah and His teachings, finding happiness in that instead of chasing worldly things.

Here is the video of him guiding the person who is in this forbidden relationship:

Mufti Menk
Mufti Menk talks about how avoiding bad deeds can help heal your heart. When you do things that Allah doesn’t like, it hurts your heart. He mentions that getting involved in wrong relationships, like adultery, can really break your heart. Instead of blaming Allah for our mistakes, we should take responsibility for our actions.

Mufti Menk reminds us that even if we mess up, Allah still loves us and wants us to come back to Him. He suggests starting the healing process by praying, dressing modestly, remembering Allah, reading the Quran, staying away from sin, and respecting and helping our parents. These steps, he says, can bring us peace and healing.

Here is his video talking about haram relationship:

How to Get Out of a Haram (Forbidden) Relationship?

Ending a forbidden (haram) relationship is really tough, but it’s super important to make Allah happy. With a true heart, strong will, and following Islamic teachings, you can leave it behind and start a better, more fulfilling journey.

Some useful tips for you to repent from the haram relationship: 

  • Make a firm intention to end the relationship for the sake of Allah. Acknowledge that this relationship is haram and displeasing to Allah, and make a sincere resolve to leave it behind.
  • Cut off all communication and contact with the person immediately. Block them on all channels like phones, social media, etc. Avoiding any interaction is crucial to break free.
  • Seek forgiveness from Allah sincerely. Repent wholeheartedly for this sin and ask Allah for strength and guidance to stay away from it. Perform extra prayers and good deeds.
  • Change your environment if needed. Leave places, friend circles, or situations that enable or remind you of this haram relationship. A fresh start can help immensely.
  • Focus on strengthening your Imaan (faith). Read the Quran, attend Islamic lectures, and surround yourself with righteous friends who can support you in this journey.
  • Be patient and persist. Breaking free is not easy, but have trust in Allah. The urges may remain, but don’t let Shaytan misguide you again.
  • If struggling, seek help from a counselor, imam, or trusted elder who can advise and keep you accountable through this process.
  • If possible, make it a lawful relationship through Nikkah (marriage). If both are eligible, getting married can legalize the relationship per Islamic Law.

To make things right in your life, you need to have a strong determination, ask for help from Allah, and completely stop any wrong or forbidden actions. It might be tough, but great rewards are awaiting for leaving a haram relationship for the sake of Allah.


What is the difference between halal and haram relationship?

Halal relationships are okay in Islam, like getting married following Islamic rules. Haram relationships are not allowed, like dating or being intimate outside of marriage, according to Islamic teachings.

What is a haram relationship meaning in Islam?

Haram relationship refers to any romantic or sexual involvement outside of marriage, which is considered forbidden according to Islamic teachings.

Are online relationships haram according to Islamic Law?

In Islam, having romantic relationships online is haram. So, it’s important to be careful and follow Islamic guidelines when forming relationships online.

Can a haram relationship become halal by Nikkah?

Yes, you can make a haram relationship halal through marriage (Nikkah), as it transforms into a lawful and permissible union in Islam.

Final Wording

May Allah guide us towards the right path and protect us from forbidden relationships.

Let us choose Nikkah over haram relationships, seeking blessings, and peace in the sacred bond of marriage. May our hearts find peace in following Islamic teachings, leading us to a path of happiness and fulfillment.