Is It Halal Or Haram to Get Married in The Month of Ramadan?

Getting married in Ramadan is allowed in Islam and is not considered haram (forbidden). The holy month of Ramadan does not stop Muslims from getting married or having a wedding ceremony. There is no prohibition in the Quran or Sunnah against holding a marriage ceremony or entering into a marriage contract during this holy month.

Muslims are advised to keep the wedding simple and avoid excessive celebrations out of respect for this holy month. Some scholars even consider getting married during Ramadan to be mustahab (recommended) as it brings added blessings. But the wedding should not distract from the spiritual focus of the month.

Islamic Scholar Vision of Marriage During this Holy Month

Dr Zakir Naik an Islamic experts provide helpful advice on how to manage getting married during the special month of Ramadan.

Dr. Zakir Naik
According to Dr. Zakir Naik, marrying during Ramadan is not forbidden. The couple should abstain from sexual intercourse during fasting hours. It’s a test of self-control. If someone doubts their ability to abstain, it’s better to postpone the marriage until after Ramadan. So, marrying during Ramadan is not wrong, but one should be mindful of the challenges it brings during fasting.

We added a short video of him related to this topic so you can watch:

More related guides of Ramadan:

Guidance on Intimacy for Newlywed Couples in Ramadan

Islam allows newlyweds couples to be intimate at night during Ramadan after opening their fast. But, they cannot be intimate between their fasting. It is better for newlyweds to focus more on worshipping Allah, reading the Quran, and doing good deeds together rather than too much intimacy during this holy month.

Ramadan teaches self-control, modesty, and devotion. Intimate relations should not distract the couple from the spiritual purpose of this blessed period. If intimacy makes it very difficult to control desires during fasting hours, it may be advisable to pause intimacy to protect the sacred fast temporarily.

Islamic scholars encourage new Couples to control their feelings during fasting: 

Mufti Menk
He highlights Allah’s guidance on sexual rights within marriage, particularly during Ramadan. He emphasizes that fulfilling these rights is considered an act of worship. Mufti Menak encourages believers to fulfill each other’s rights even during Ramadan, outside of fasting hours.

The message underscores the importance of understanding and practicing these teachings for marital harmony and spiritual growth.

Islamic scholar Assim Al Hakeem's
The discussion revolves around the permissibility of intimacy between spouses during fasting in Ramadan. He said that while intercourse during fasting hours is extremely prohibited, other forms of intimacy like kissing and hugging may be allowed if the couple has self-control.

Things to Consider if Getting Married in Ramadan

Getting married during the blessed month of Ramadan requires striking the right balance between celebrating your union and respecting the sanctity of this holy period.

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Opt for a simple nikah ceremony, avoiding extravagant celebrations that could distract from the spiritual essence of Ramadan. A humble event at the mosque or home is recommended.
  • Plan your wedding so you and your guests can break the fast together at sunset and keep fasting the next day, without missing religious duties.
  • Share your happiness by giving to those in need, like donating to charity or hosting a modest walima for less fortunate people.
  • Use this new journey as motivation to enhance your worship, recitation of the Quran, and perform night prayers together, strengthening your spiritual bond.
  • If hosting a small reception, ensure entertainment, music, and dress codes align with Islamic teachings and the virtuous atmosphere of Ramadan.
  • Avoid spending too much or making things too fancy. Keep decorations simple, expenses reasonable, and the feast modest, in line with Ramadan’s values of simplicity.

Final Words

Marrying during Ramadan is permissible, but it’s essential to remember the significance of this holy month. Keep celebrations simple to maintain the spiritual atmosphere. While intimacy between spouses is allowed after breaking the fast, it’s wise to prioritize worship and self-control during fasting hours.

May our fasting be accepted, and may Allah shower blessings upon us always.