Is Playing Pokemon Cards Haram or Halal in Islam? (According to Quran)

Playing Pokémon cards is not allowed it is haram in Islam. This is because Pokémon started as a video game and cartoon with made-up animal characters that have special abilities.

In Islam, we are not supposed to take part in games or shows that involve imaginary worlds, anything related to gambling, or characters that seem to have powers like gods or spirits. Since Pokemon is based on these types of fictional things, We as Muslims should stay away from these types of games.

9 Reasons Why Pokemon is Considered (Forbidden) Haram

Reasons Why Pokemon Is Haram

The Pokemon games, cards, and shows are very popular, especially with kids. But for Muslims, there is a big question – why Pokemon is not permissible in Islam?

Here are simple reasons why it is games like Pokemon not allowed:

1. Fiction Over Reality

The Pokemon world is completely fictional and made-up, revolving around imaginary creatures that don’t exist in real life. Islam teaches us to believe in the truth and reality created by Allah, not fantasies. Promoting this made-up world of Pokemon goes against Islamic teachings of sticking to facts.

2. Resemblance to Magic

In Islam, there’s a rule against anything that looks like magic or sorcery. Some Pokémon have powers like shooting fire or controlling elements like water or electricity. These powers can seem a lot like magic, which is not allowed in Islam. Even if it’s just in games or cartoons, anything that looks like magic is considered haram, or not allowed.

3. Shirk Resemblance

Within the Pokemon universe, certain powerful “legendary” Pokemon are treated with great reverence and awe, almost making them seem like god-like beings. This promotes ideas that resemble shirk, which is totally not acceptable of idolatry or associating others with Allah. Islam firmly rejects any form of shirk.

4. Trying to “Catch” Beings

The main idea behind Pokemon is to journey, battle, and catch as many of these creatures as you can to become a “Pokemon Master”. This seems too much like trying to possess, dominate, and control beings just for fun, which Islam does not permit us Muslims to do.

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5. Gambling Mindset

When playing the Pokemon card game, players have to skillfully anticipate their opponent’s moves and strategies. This spirit of deception and outwitting others for rewards is too close to the mindset of gambling, which is strictly prohibited in Islam as it promotes greed.

6. Concept of “Evolution”

A key aspect of Pokemon is that these creatures can “evolve” into new, more powerful forms over time through training. This concept of one being evolving into another contradicts the Islamic beliefs about Allah’s creation and that species don’t change forms.

7. Promoting Violence

The entire pokemon franchise, be it games, shows or cards, centers around these creatures battling, fighting, and inflicting harm on each other. Even though portrayed in a fictionalized manner, the promotion of violence goes against Islamic principles of peace.

8. Hoarding Obsession

Collecting and hoarding pokemon cards can become an excessive obsession, especially among young children. This goes against Islam’s virtues of being content with what one has and practicing moderation in all aspects of life.

9. Distraction from the Islamic Faith

Many Muslim parents and scholars feel that excessive engagement with Pokemon games, shows and merchandise can severely distract young children from learning proper Islamic teachings, values, and principles during their formative years.

While just a game to some, the reasons above highlight why Pokemon raises religious concerns for Muslims and is considered haram by many. Protecting our faith must remain the top priority.

What Does the Quran Say About Fictional Games Like Pokémon?

The Quran does not directly talk about games like Pokemon, but it gives us clear instructions against anything related to shirk (considering others as equal to Allah), magic, gambling, or imaginary ideas that go against Islamic beliefs. As Muslims, we should understand that while all sins are forgivable, shirk is not among them.

Here is What Allah (SWT) says in the Quran About Shirk:

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَغْفِرُ أَن يُشْرَكَ بِهِۦ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَٰلِكَ لِمَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُشْرِكْ بِٱللَّهِ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَـٰلًۢا بَعِيدًا 

Translation: Surely Allah does not forgive associating others with Him in worship,1 but forgives anything else of whoever He wills. Indeed, whoever associates others with Allah has clearly gone far astray.

Reference: Surah An-Nisa – 116

Verse Related To Shirk In The Quran

This verse means that Allah doesn’t forgive people who worship anyone or anything besides Him. But He can forgive other wrong things if He wants. It shows how serious it is to believe in only Allah and not to worship anything else.

Advice for Parents on Protecting Our Kids from Unislamic Influences

Tips For Parent To Stop Their Kids From Watching Cartoon Or Games Like Pokemon

As Muslim parents, keeping our children’s Imaan (faith) strong and protected is one of our biggest jobs. These days, our kids are surrounded by so many TV shows, movies, games and websites promoting ideas that don’t match Islam. Things like magic, made-up creatures with powers, disrespect towards parents, and bad behaviors these concepts can slowly misguide young, pure minds without us realizing it.

Take Pokemon for example – it may seem like an innocent, colorful cartoon at first. But it centers around imaginary monster creatures that “evolve” and battle using supernatural abilities. This goes against our beliefs in Allah’s perfect creation and promotes shirk (associating partners with Allah). Music videos are another negative influence, showing revealing clothes, free-mixing, and other un-Islamic values.

We must be alert guardians and check what our kids are watching, playing, and reading carefully. Have open discussions to explain why certain shows are not okay for Muslims. Replace haram influences with Islamic videos, books, games, and healthy activities that reinforce good morals and beliefs in a fun way.

7 Better Ways to Spend Your Free Time According to Our Islamic Values

Instead of wasting precious hours on games and shows filled with unIslamic ideas, there are so many better options for Muslims to use their free time. Activities that make us smarter, healthier and closer to Allah while staying within halal limits. Here are 7 rewarding pastimes to choose over haram distractions:

1. Learn About Islam

Read books that teach the Seerah (life) of the Prophets and their incredible stories. Study books explaining the Quran and hadith in simple language. This increases our Islamic knowledge in a fun way.

2.  Increase Ibaadah

Most importantly, spend extra free hours getting closer to Allah through reciting and reflecting on the Quran, making dua, going to the masjid, and increasing good deeds.

3. Pick Up New Skills

Always wanted to learn coding, digital art, creative writing, or public speaking? Use your free time to enroll in an online course and develop talents that can benefit you.

4. Get Active Outdoors

Sports like soccer, horse Riding, hiking, and cycling are amazing halal ways to get exercise while enjoying the fresh air and nature that Allah created for us to appreciate.

5. Volunteer and Give Back

Visit the elderly, cook for a shelter, become a tutor – there are endless opportunities to help those in need which Allah greatly rewards.

6. Free Your Creativity

Try halal hobbies like calligraphy, gardening, and pottery which allow you to make beautiful things while keeping your mind and hands productively engaged.

7. Nurture Family Bonds

Make the most of your free time by planning fun halal outings, games nights or regularly catching up with your loved ones to strengthen family relationships blessed by Allah.

Our spare time is a gift from Allah that we will be accountable for. By choosing halal, purposeful activities that improve our lives over toxic entertainment, we please our Creator and become better Muslims and human beings.

More FAQs About Pokémon

Why is Pokemon considered a big issue? Isn’t it just a cartoon?

Pokemon shows made-up creatures with special powers. This fantasy idea does not match Islamic beliefs and can misguide kids.

My child likes Pokemon games/cards Is playing okay if just for fun?

No, it is ok the main goal is to capture and control these imaginary beings, which goes against respecting Allah’s creation. The premise itself is unIslamic.

How can I check if a show/game is okay for my kids?

Look for online guides by reliable Islamic scholars that provide clear criteria on judging entertainment. Discuss concerning concepts with kids and use discretion based on Quran/Sunnah as the final authority.


Even though Pokemon seems like just fun and games, it goes against Islamic teachings by showing made-up creatures with powers, not respecting Allah’s creation, and giving importance to imaginary beings over reality. As Muslims, we must protect ourselves and our children from getting involved in activities that don’t follow our belief in worshipping only Allah. May Allah guide us to follow the straight path outlined in our deen.