Is Smoking Weed Haram Or Sin in Islam? Find Answer Here

Yes, according to Islamic laws and beliefs weed is considered prohibited or haram. The use of Weed, ganja, heroin, alcohol, or any intoxicating substance is not allowed. The Quran, our holy book, clearly says we shouldn’t consume things that make us lose control of our minds. This rule applies to marijuana and other drugs that change thinking and feeling.

When you smoke weed, your judgment and thinking become impaired, which is not good. Islam wants Muslims to have full control of their senses and stay away from anything that can lead to addiction or harm.

Why Smoking Weed is a Sin in Islam?

Islam strongly highlights on keeping your mind clear and having control over your actions and decisions. The Quran tells us to avoid anything that can mess up our thinking or make us unable to make good decisions.

Here is the related verse from the Quran that states:

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِنَّمَا ٱلْخَمْرُ وَٱلْمَيْسِرُ وَٱلْأَنصَابُ وَٱلْأَزْلَـٰمُ رِجْسٌۭ مِّنْ عَمَلِ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنِ فَٱجْتَنِبُوهُ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

Translation: “O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.” (Quran 5:90)

This verse explicitly prohibits the consumption of intoxicants, which includes substances like weed that can alter one’s state of mind. The reference for this verse is Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 90.

Verse Related To Smoking Weed Is Haram Or Halal

Islam motivates Muslims to maintain clarity of thought and consciousness at all times, as this is essential for making sound decisions, fulfilling religious obligations, and leading a righteous life. Weed and other drugs can impair this clarity, which is why their use is prohibited in Islam.

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7 More Reasons the Usage of Weed is Forbidden

When it comes to the use of weed or marijuana, Islam takes a clear and principled stance – one that is rooted in promoting the well-being of individuals, families, and society as a whole.

1. Harms the Mind

It can cloud your thinking and make it harder to focus. Islam values having a clear mind to understand Allah’s teachings and make good choices. Using weed goes against this principle.

2. Addictive Nature

Weed can be addictive and cause dependence. Islam promotes self-control and avoiding anything that can enslave the mind or body. Addictions are discouraged.

3. Intoxicating Effects

Weed has intoxicating effects that alter your state of consciousness. The Quran strictly prohibits consuming any intoxicating substances that impair judgment.

4. Physical Health

Risks Smoking weed can harm the lungs and respiratory system. Islam emphasizes taking care of one’s health and not engaging in behaviors that can damage the body.

5. Spiritual Impurity

In Islam, the mind and body should be kept pure and free from impurities. Consuming weed is seen as introducing impurities into the system, which contradicts Islamic teachings.

6. Legal Issues

In many places, weed is illegal. Islam requires Muslims to obey the laws of the land they reside in, unless those laws contradict Islamic principles.

7. Moral Concerns

Some scholars argue that the recreational use of weed goes against Islamic moral values, as it can lead to laziness, irresponsibility, and neglect of duties.

Islam’s stance against weed is rooted in promoting a healthy mind, body, and spiritual well-being, as well as upholding moral and legal principles for the betterment of individuals and society.

Islamic Scholar Guidance on Weed

When it comes to the question of if weed is allowed in Islam, Muslim scholars and teachers have provided clear guidance based on the holy book Quran, and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

He talks about why smoking weed is considered a serious sin in Islam. He explains that using drugs like weed stops your prayers from being accepted for 40 days, and it’s a big sin.

He also mentions that if someone dies while high, they’ll face a terrible punishment in hellfire. So, he strongly advises against using intoxicants according to Islamic teachings.

Here is a short video of him:

Dr. Muhammad Salah

A religious teacher is talking about how smoking weed affects prayers. Salah says in Islam, using drugs like weed is not allowed. He warns that just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s okay in the eyes of religion. He says smoking weed is a serious sin, like drinking alcohol or using other drugs.

Dr. Salah asks for help from Allah to beat addiction and tells Muslims, especially young Muslim people in Western countries, to avoid smoking weed.

Watch out his video below:

Mufti Menk

He says usage of CBD from weed for health is fine, but using THC for fun is not allowed in Islam. If a doctor prescribes THC for serious illness, it might be halal. He reminds people to avoid bad habits and learn what’s right, even if something is legal in the law. He believes seeking knowledge and avoiding harm will keep people safe with Allah’s help.

Here is the knowledgeable video of him:

By listening to the advice of respected Islamic scholars, Muslims can better understand why weed is not permitted according to their religion. This knowledge can help them make the right choices and live a life that follows the moral principles of Islam.

Consequences of Smoking Weed and Using Drugs in Islam

In Islam, smoking weed or using drugs is considered a major sin (Gunah Kabira). Though no specific physical punishment is mentioned in the Quran, there are severe consequences warned.

Prayers and acts of worship performed in an intoxicated state become invalid. In Muslim countries where it is illegal, there can be legal punishments like fines or imprisonment. Weed and drug abuse also invite social problems like addiction, financial troubles, and family conflicts, as well as health issues, going against the Islamic principle of maintaining a balanced life.

While no direct penalty is stated, getting into intoxicants is still a grave sin that invites Allah’s anger and adverse consequences spiritually, socially, and sometimes legally. Muslims must stay away from all intoxicants to stay on the righteous path.

Steps to Avoid Weed and Get Backs Your Islamic Values

Steps To Avoid Weed

For Muslims, abstaining from weed or marijuana is an essential part of living according to the teachings of Islam. While the temptation or influence may be present but you should avoid it for the sake of Allah.

Here are practical steps one can take to stay away from this prohibited substance:

  1. Strengthen your faith and deepen your connection with Allah through regular prayer, recitation of the Quran, and remembrance. A strong faith provides the willpower and motivation to resist temptations that go against Islamic principles.
  2. Surround yourself with good company seek out friends and communities that share your values and encourage righteous behavior. Positive peer groups can provide support and accountability, making it easier to avoid negative influences.
  3. Find healthy alternatives instead of turning to weed, and explore halal (permissible) activities that bring you joy, relaxation, or a sense of accomplishment. This could include sports, hobbies, volunteering, or learning new skills.
  4. Manage stress and emotions sometimes, people turn to substances like weed as a way to cope with stress or difficult emotions. Learn healthy coping mechanisms, such as seeking counseling, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in physical exercise.
  5. Educate yourself to gain a deeper understanding of why weed is prohibited in Islam. Read scholarly works, attend lectures, or consult with knowledgeable individuals to reinforce your commitment to staying away from this substance.
  6. Avoid environments of temptation be mindful of situations or environments where weed might be present, and strive to remove yourself from such circumstances. Prevention is key to maintaining your commitment to the Islamic way of life.
  7. Seek support if you find yourself struggling with the temptation or addiction to weed, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Talk to a trusted friend, or family member, or seek professional guidance from qualified individuals or organizations.

By taking action early and trusting your faith, you can avoid using cannabis. It’s important to keep following the teachings of Islam. Remember, sticking to your beliefs is a journey that never ends. With determination and help from others, you can overcome any difficulties you face.

More Questions Related to Weed

Is weed classified as an intoxicant?

Yes, weed is considered an intoxicant because it alters the state of consciousness and impairs judgment. Weed can cloud your thinking and affect your ability to make sound decisions.

Is smoking weed or marijuana haram or Makrooh?

Smoking weed, or using marijuana, is not allowed in Islam because it can harm your mind and body. It can change how you think and make it hard to make good choices. It’s important to follow Islamic teachings and stay away from things that can hurt you or others.

Can the usage of weed prevent you from accepting Dua for 40 Days?

Yes, your prayer can not be accepted for 40 days but it does not mean you can offer Salah for the next forty days it means just your dua or prayer should not be accepted but you still have to offer 5-time prayer so that you can not get punished for skipping Salah.

Last Wording

Let’s sincerely aim to stay away from things like weed that are not allowed in Islam, and may Allah help us follow the teachings of Islam strongly and without any doubts. May our young ones be protected from the dangers of such temptations, and may we all work to maintain the purity of our minds and bodies as commanded by Allah and shown by our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

With faith and determination, may we navigate through life’s challenges while remaining steadfast in our commitment to Islamic principles. Ameen.