Is Ludo Haram or Halal In Islam? (Guidance From Quran)

Playing ludo would be considered haram (forbidden) according to Islamic principles. Any games involving dice or elements of chance, even without betting, are deemed prohibited activities for Muslims.

Ludo’s association with gambling through the use of dice means devout followers of Islam must avoid it. Overall, from an Islamic legal perspective, ludo would fall under the category of forbidden games of chance.

Why Dice Games Are Considered as Gambling in Islam?

People are discussing whether games like Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, and Parcheesi are okay to play according to Islamic rules. The debate is because these games use dice, which involve luck.

In Islam, gambling is not allowed, and some scholars think these games are too similar to gambling because of the dice. Those who are against these games say that luck plays a big role, and it’s not about skill or effort.

They point out that dice have been linked to betting in the past, making these games look too much like gambling, even if no money is involved.

Prophet And Quranic Guidance Against Gambling

Gambling is harmful and strictly forbidden in Islam because it negatively affects individuals and society. Both the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warn against it, as gambling promotes sinful behavior and harms personal and communal well-being. Muslims are urged to avoid activities based on luck and chance to stay on a path of success and purity.

Quran Guidance

In Surah Al-Ma’idah it has been stated that:

Quran Verse on Intoxicants and Gambling and games

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِنَّمَا ٱلْخَمْرُ وَٱلْمَيْسِرُ وَٱلْأَنصَابُ وَٱلْأَزْلَـٰمُ رِجْسٌۭ مِّنْ عَمَلِ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنِ فَٱجْتَنِبُوهُ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

Translation: “O you who believe! Intoxicants, gambling, altars, and games of chance are filth, the work of the devil. So keep away from them, that you may succeed.”

Reference: Surah Al-Ma’idah Ayat 90 (5:90)

The verse highlights that gambling causes so much harm to both individuals and society that it is completely forbidden, even if it seems to offer some worldly benefits. This includes games like Ludo, which are often connected to gambling.

Prophet (S.A.W) Hadith Playing With Dice

The Hadith below focuses on avoiding games that are associated with dice and the hadith clearly says that:

 مَنْ لَعِبَ بِالنَّرْدِ فَقَدْ عَصَى اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ

Meaning: “Whoever plays games of dice has disobeyed Allah and His Messenger. “

Reference: Book 52, Hadith 1756

Prophet (S.A.W) Hadith Playing Games with dice

The Quran and Hadith clearly say that gambling is not allowed in Islam. This rule also includes games that use dice. Today, many scholars also include recreational dice games under this rule because they involve chance, which is similar to gambling.

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Islamic Scholars Say About This Game and Gambling?

Let’s Hear what Islamic scholars say about these types of games. To clear your mind if you still have any confusion related to this game.

Dr. Karim AbuZaid
He says it’s really important not to miss your prayer times and he warns against spending too much time playing games like chess and dice. He thinks that spending too much time on these games might stop people from doing their religious duties, especially praying. So, it’s really important to make sure you pray on time and not let games get in the way.

Assim al Hakeem
A well-known Islamic scholar, advises against playing games like Ludo that involve dice. He believes it’s important for Muslims to prioritize their religious obligations and avoid activities that may distract them or waste their time.

By following Islamic principles, he suggests that believers can lead a more focused and fulfilling life aligned with their faith.

Islamic scholar Mufti Menk
He says it’s really important to follow Islamic teachings and not do things like gambling. Mufti Menk wants people to focus on growing spiritually and following Islamic rules. He tells believers to do things that are good for their faith and help them become better spiritually.

It’s important to know that not all scholars agree. Some say Ludo is fine as long as there’s no gambling, and it doesn’t take up too much time that should be spent on religious responsibilities. So, whether you play Ludo or not is your choice, depending on your understanding of Islamic teachings and advice from scholars you trust.

Enjoying Your Family Time In Islamic Way

Enjoy Family Time with Islamic Ways instead of ludo

Many Muslim parents want to play entertaining games with their children. But popular board games like Ludo or Monopoly use dice. Dice makes some Muslims hesitate since Islam warns about activities related to gambling.

What are some replacements that work for family game nights? How can parents have harmless fun with kids without crossing Islamic rules?

Seek Games That Build Minds

Choose games that help minds grow rather than relying on luck. Do puzzles, math games, or historical learning about Islam. These allow enjoyment minus risky habits over time. Parents can instill pride in culture while finding safe options.

Highlight Bonding Conversations

Rather than focus narrowly on formats, pick activities that deeply connect families. Cook a dish together, share inspiring stories from the Prophet’s life over dessert, or discuss ethical scenarios together respectfully. Laughter infused with moral lessons brings joy in line with principles.

Stay Mindful of Context Around Play

Guidelines are a good starting point, but focusing on being mindful of Allah and the well-being of our community is even more important when evaluating activities.

When families keep their intentions aligned with good ethics, they can combine fun and respect in a meaningful way. Rules help guide us, but they’re not just about limiting enjoyment; they’re about adding deeper meaning to our activities. Game nights can be both fun and full of wisdom if approached with this mindset.

In this balanced approach, worries about specific activities become less important. What matters is seeing the higher purpose behind them like strengthening family bonds and character. With guidance, creativity, and compassion, we can find fulfilling alternatives that align with our faith


Is playing Ludo considered haram in Islam?

Yes, playing Ludo is generally considered haram due to its association with dice and elements of chance, aligning with the prohibition of gambling in Islam.

Why are dice games, including Ludo, considered akin to gambling in Islam?

Dice games resemble gambling in Islam due to the element of luck, violating the principles that discourage reliance on chance rather than skill or effort.

What do Quranic verses and Hadith say about gambling and its relation to playing Ludo?

The Quran explicitly prohibits gambling and games of chance as the work of the devil, with Hadith emphasizing severe consequences for engaging in such activities, including recreational dice games like Ludo.

What are the opinions of prominent Islamic scholars on playing Ludo?

Scholars generally view playing Ludo as not allowed in Islam due to the involvement of dice. However, some, like Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, have a more flexible stance, suggesting that playing without gambling may not be inherently sinful.

Is playing Ludo Star on mobile is haram?

Yes, playing Ludo on mobile is considered haram in Islam because it retains the elements of chance and gambling present in the traditional board game version.

Final Wording

Many Islamic scholars say playing Ludo is not allowed in Islam because of the dice and chance, which goes against Islamic rules. As we talk about these games, let’s remember what the Quran says about avoiding things like gambling. Instead of Ludo, we can choose games that help us learn and have good conversations.

Let’s ask Allah to guide us in making choices that follow the path of Islam in everything we do. Ameen!