Is Alcohol Haram in Islam? (Quran And Islamic Scholars Guidance)

Yes, in Islam, the consumption of alcohol is considered haram, meaning it is prohibited according to Islamic law. The Quran directly says it’s forbidden in several places.

Drinking alcohol leads to intoxication and is seen as a bad thing because it messes up your thinking, makes you do things you should not do, and can hurt you.

Most Islamic scholars agree that Muslims shouldn’t drink alcohol, except maybe for medical reasons in some cases. Alcohol is terrible for you, and we as Muslims are supposed to stay away from it.

Why The Quran Says No to Alcohol?

Islam takes a strict stance when it comes to intoxicants like alcohol, as made explicitly clear in the holy book of  Quran.

Here are the verses in the Quran that provide this guidance in direct terms:

Reference Verse: Surah Ma’idah Ayat 90 (5:90 Quran)

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِنَّمَا ٱلْخَمْرُ وَٱلْمَيْسِرُ وَٱلْأَنصَابُ وَٱلْأَزْلَـٰمُ رِجْسٌۭ مِّنْ عَمَلِ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنِ فَٱجْتَنِبُوهُ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

Meaning: “O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.”

Reference Verse: Surah AL-Baqarah Ayat 219 (2:219 Quran)

يَسۡـَٔلُونَكَ عَنِ ٱلۡخَمۡرِ وَٱلۡمَيۡسِرِۖ قُلۡ فِيهِمَآ إِثۡمٞ كَبِيرٞ وَمَنَٰفِعُ لِلنَّاسِ وَإِثۡمُهُمَآ أَكۡبَرُ مِن نَّفۡعِهِمَاۗ وَيَسۡـَٔلُونَكَ مَاذَا يُنفِقُونَۖ قُلِ ٱلۡعَفۡوَۗ كَذَٰلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ ٱللَّهُ لَكُمُ ٱلۡأٓيَٰتِ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَفَكَّرُونَ

Meaning: “They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, ‘In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.'”

Based on these clear Quran Surah, we see that alcohol is haram (forbidden) in Islam because of the moral, physical and spiritual harm it causes when consumed. The Quran leaves no room for doubt that Muslims should refrain entirely from intoxicants like alcohol.

Islamic Scholars Strongly Forbid Drinking Alcohol

Across the Muslim world, the vast majority of learned Islamic scholars agree that alcohol is clearly forbidden based on the Holy Quran.

Mufti Menak
He talks about how more Muslims are starting to do things that Islam says are wrong, like drinking alcohol and taking drugs. Even though Islam teaches us not to do these things, some Muslims are doing them anyway, and they think it’s okay as long as they don’t do it too much.

But He wants to remind everyone that Allah has clearly said these things are not allowed. He advises everyone to stay away from them completely. He says if we want to do well in this life and the afterlife, it’s important to follow what Allah has said and avoid these forbidden things.

For your help here is the video of Mufti Menak where is addresses the Muslims:

More articles you may interested in reading:

Nouman Ali Khan
He talks about drinking alcohol in Islam to clear up misunderstandings. Start by mentioning a verse from the Quran that talks about wine and gambling. He says that even though there might be some good things about it, the bad things about it are much worse. He explains that when Islam talks about wine, it means all kinds of drinks that make you drunk.

He pointed out how alcohol can hurt individuals and communities, leading to problems like crime. The Quran says not to be drunk when you pray and says that drinking alcohol is not allowed. He encourages people to be honest about their struggles and to get help if they’re addicted to alcohol. They say it’s important not to use religion as an excuse for doing bad things.

Here is the video of him:

Dr. Zakir Naik's Clear Message for Muslims And Christianity
Zakir Naik talks about not drinking alcohol and says it’s like a form of worship. He mentioned verses from the Quran and the Bible that say not to drink alcohol.

Then he says when people don’t drink, they’re showing they’re following what Allah wants and giving themselves to Allah. It’s important in both Islam and Christianity to obey what God says about not drinking alcohol.

His views on why alcohol is haram or halal according to Christianity and Muslims:

Consequences of Drinking Alcohol in Islam on Judgment Day?

According to Islamic teachings, drinking alcohol is very serious. Allah warns us in the Quran and hadiths that those who drink alcohol will face tough consequences on Judgment Day. Drinking alcohol messes up our minds and makes us do bad things. It also makes our souls dirty with sin.

Some punishments described include having to drink from a yucky river on Judgment Day. This river represents all the bad stuff we drank during our lives. Those with tauba (repentance) may be forgiven by Allah, but punishment awaits those who died in a state of sin without repentance.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned us to avoid intoxicants so our faith and minds stay uncorrupted. Believers hope for Allah’s mercy while avoiding major sins.

Reasons Why Alcohol is Haram (forbidden) in Islam?

There are several clear wisdoms behind the strict Islamic prohibition of alcohol, aimed at both physical and spiritual health.

Drinking alcohol is haram in Islam because:

  • Alcohol intoxication clouds the mind and impairs judgment.
  • Alcohol can create bad behavior, including aggression and lack of inhibition.
  • Drinking alcohol can become addictive and destructive over time.
  • Alcohol causes health problems like liver disease and other harmful effects.
  • Consuming intoxicants dulls and impairs the connection with God.
  • Alcohol consumption can prevent one from remembering and performing salah.
  • Drinking alcohol violates the state of purity required for salah.
  • Consuming alcohol wastes financial resources which could be used for good.

With all these individual and social harms, Islam bans alcohol to uphold values and safeguard the mind and spirit.

Is Alcohol Haram in Sanitizers and Perfume?

In Islam, drinking alcohol is a big no. But there’s a bit of a debate about alcohol in other stuff like hand sanitizers, perfumes, and other alcohol-based things.

Some scholars say it’s okay to use these things because the alcohol isn’t meant to be drunk. It’s just there to clean or make things smell nice. The idea is that as long as you’re not trying to get drunk, it’s alright.

Some folks are more strict about it. They say any kind of alcohol is a non-starter, even if it’s in a cleaning product or perfume.

So, it’s cool to use stuff with alcohol in it depending on who you ask. Muslims are encouraged to seek advice from knowledgeable people (like scholars) to figure out what’s right for them. But just to be super clear, drinking alcohol straight up is a total no-go.

Here is the video of Mufti Menak to clear your views on alcohol used in sanitizers and perfumes:

As he talks about how Islam prohibits drinking alcohol, even a little bit. It explains that alcohol made from fermenting fruits like grapes or dates is forbidden to drink and considered impure to touch.

Alcohol made in a lab is only forbidden to drink, but it’s not impure to touch. He says alcohol in things like sanitizers and perfumes is okay because it’s made differently.


Is alcohol considered haram if you don’t get drunk?

Yes, alcohol is still prohibited in Islam regardless of its intoxicating effects, as stated in the Quran and hadiths, due to its potential harm to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Is alcohol haram or considered makruh (disliked) in Islam?

Alcohol consumption is generally considered haram (forbidden) in Islam due to explicit prohibitions in the Quran and hadith, though some scholars may view it as makruh (disliked).

Is alcohol haram or solely associated with intoxication?

Alcohol is haram in Islam not only because of its intoxicating properties but also due to its potential to lead individuals away from righteousness and into sinful behavior.

Why is alcohol haram and not smoking

Both alcohol and smoking are forbidden in Islam due to their harmful effects on health, societal well-being, and spiritual purity, according to Islamic teachings and scholars.

Is alcohol permissible (halal) in Islam?

In Islam, drinking alcohol is not allowed. It’s considered “haram,” which means forbidden. This is because it goes against the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam promotes purity, self-control, and spiritual clarity, and alcohol denies these principles of Islam.

Is alcohol allowed (halal) in food according to Islamic teachings?

No, alcohol is not permitted in any form in Islamic dietary practices, as even small amounts can compromise the integrity and purity of food and beverage consumption.

Is alcohol halal in Jannah According to the Islamic faith?

In our world, alcohol and wild parties aren’t allowed because they make people lose control and do bad things. But in Jannah, everything is perfect, including the drinks. The drinks in Heaven make you feel good without getting you drunk.


As Muslims, we must avoid alcohol completely, based on the clear teachings of the Quran. We should have friends who support us in avoiding haram drinks.

Learning more from the Quran and scholars will strengthen us. Stay away from places with alcohol. Make dua when tempted and focus on salah. Help family and friends stay away too.

Follow our Prophet’s (PBUH) example of avoiding it. Make a strong intention to obey Allah’s rules. Even if alcohol is common, Muslims must stay pure and sober. This pleases Allah and follows Islam. With faith and good friends, we can avoid what is harmful.